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WEB TOOLS > Reverse Scanners
The following are reverse online scanners. What this means is that once you connect to their service you have the choice to allow their programs to scan your computer from their location to determine if you have ports open or are vulnerable to other security vulnerabilities. These services are an excellent resource to test your firewall (you are running one arent you ?) and to get a better idea of how much information you exhibit when you are surfing the internet..

Name & Description Rating

Gibson Research Corporation
SA trully excellent and very informative scanner service, with several diferent port scans available including specific information per port. Besides port scanning it also offers scans thatg determine your file sharing vulnerabilities and how much information your browser is exhibiting to the outside world.

Offers two diferent types of port scans, baseic and advanced where it can determine if your ports are open or closed. Only reports back on the open ports and also lists the most common threats that make use of the specific ports. The advanced scanning option allows you to choose the ports you wish to bne scanned.
An advanced scanning mechanism that conducts port scans. It allows for some customization in the snanning options. It has a nice description next to the ports which can help a user with limited knowledge get a better understanding.
Symantec Online Scanner
Symantec acquired Sygate, and in line with symantec's strict commercial policy another excellent product went out the window. The service still exists in a limited fashion, but it offers almost none of the excellent functionality it did while Sygate run it.
It is now a rather simplistic and arbitrary scan as you have no details or configuration options available.