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Games > Rankings > PC First Person Shooters
The following are the start.gr PC First Person Shooter top games of all time, along with links to their official sites, developer sites and scores and review links of the 2 best gaming sites on the net..

Title Year Developer Gamespot
Score &
Score &
Half-Life 2 2004 Valve 9.2 9.7
Crysis 2007 EA 9.5 9.4
Far Cry 2004 Crytek 9.2 9.2
Half-Life 1998 Valve 9.4 9.5
Call of Duty 2003 Activision 9.0 9.3
No One Lives Forever 2 2002 Sierra 9.3 9.0
Medal of Honor Allied Assault 2002 EA Games 9.0 9.3
Bioshock 2007 2K Gamnes 9.0 9.7
Unreal Tournament 2000 Epic Games 9.5 9.6
Half-Life: Counter-Strike 2000 Valve 8.4 8.9
No One Lives Forever 2000 Monolith 9.3 6.9
Unreal Tournament 2004 2004 Epic Games 9.4 9.4
Unreal 1998 Epic Games 8.4 9.0
Battlefield 1942 2002 EA Games 8.8 9.3
Serious Sam: The Second Encounter 2002 Crocteam 9.1 9.2
F.E.A.R. 2005 Vivendi 9.1 9.2
Unreal Tournament 2003 2002 Epic Games 8.8 9.0
Escape From Butcher Bay 2004 Vivendi 9.3 8.5
Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 2005 Ubisoft 9.0 9.1
Doom 3 2004 ID 8.5 8.9
Battlefield 2 2005 EA Games 9.3 8.9
Call of Duty 2 2005 Activision 8.8 8.5
Return to Castle Wolfenstein 2001 Activision 9.2 9.0
Bulletstorm 2011 EA 8 8.0